SMS for event management

Create memorable events that run smoothly when you coordinate attendees and staff with text messaging

Start messaging for free

  • API-icon-Community

    Easier ticketing

    Send rapidly accessible tickets straight to your customer’s mobile device

  • Integrates-into-your-software-icon

    Promote events

    Capture attention by promoting and reminding your attendees of events

  • Personalised-messaging-icon

    Event coordination

    Manage your team by delivering updates and changes with SMS communications

Event Management SMS section-title-shape

How using SMS for event management can benefit your business

Use SMS as a promotion strategy, deliver tickets, send reminders and survey attendees. Coordinate your event organisers with lightning-fast text messaging. Diagram-1-Dash-board-animation

SMS support enhances

  • Not for profits

    Engage your community base to kickstart events and invite attendees. Plus, begin recruiting your event staff and manage their rostering.

  • Government

    Boost awareness of your public events with SMS campaigns. Easily send and receive invitations, tickets, reminders and RSVPs to manage attendance volumes.

  • Professional Services

    Make sure your clients are informed and engaged by maximising attendance at your events. Send well-timed event invitations and confirmations directly to mobile devices.

  • Hospitality

    Streamline event promotion, ticketing and event check-in when you incorporate SMS into your event marketing strategy. Boost attendance and improve experiences for any type of event.


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Consumer attitudes to business SMS

See how the benefits of bulk SMS and two-way messaging can help you setup, promote and manage successful events through the mobile phones of staff and attendees.

Ready to go?

The easiest way to send engaging
messages to your customers logo-light